Sedimentation in a Polydisperse System of Interacting Particles 多分散低Peclet数稳定具势系统中粒子的沉降
The slurry which was produced by the decomposition of powdery phosphate rock with hydrochlorid acid is a polydisperse system which has a bad filterability. 用盐酸分解磷矿粉所得之酸解液为很难过滤的多分散体系。
Particle sizing in polydisperse system with Photon Correlation Spectroscopy 用光子相关光谱法测量多分散颗粒系的颗粒粒度分布
The special function expansion method was applied to solve the sedimentation problem of polydisperse colloid system. 特殊函数展开法被用于解决多分散具势悬浮体系中粒子的沉降问题。